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  • This is very safe country. It's considered within the 30 safest countries in the world

  • UAE nationals (Emiratis) are the minority (10-15 % of the total population), 90 - 85% are expats

  • Yes, this is a more conservative region of the world where religion plays a very important role. However, it's evolving so fast and at a very different pace than we are used to in the western world. The UAE was a desert 40 years ago and today it's one of the most developed countries that I have ever seen

  • The GCC region is very volatile due to political instability and the fast paced changing environment. However, the UAE is considered to be relatively stable compared to the other countries on the gulf

  • The economy of the GCC is depended on oil. The UAE understood that this is not sustainable for the future. They found other ways to sustain the economy by creating aggressive future plans such as vision 2075 and acting on them very quickly. Currently, oil represents just 6% of the economy of the UAE

  • Due to the high number of expats the UAE is probably the most diverse place in the world. Therefore, the UAE is working a lot on inclusion.  An example of their efforts was that 2019 was declared the year of the tolerance. The country has done a really good job making this a place comfortable for expats.

  • The UAE is an early adopter of technology. They have put a lot of their investments in technology and currently are founding a lot of tech startups.

  • UAE has a tribal culture and this is the foundation of their values. It is all about the tribe, and family connections. WASTA: is a word that means networking, and family connections.

  • National workforce planning is happening in the UAE which is very smart considering the changes that are coming in the future of the labor market.

  • The UAE government is investing in Education. Both western and global education are provided for their nationals. Education is free just as healthcare is for the nationals

  • The ambiguous but agile approach of this nation's development can be a lesson for many cultures, countries, and even western corporations that are struggling with traditional approaches and are looking to shift and adapt to the fast changing market that we have today.

Interesting facts

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