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Colgate-Palmolive at the Dubai Offices

Natalia Burkhart

This was a very interesting experience for me. I have worked in Colgate-Palmolive for 6 years in two different countries. Being able to visit the office of Dubai was fascinating. I learned that Colgate has been flexible and has done a great job understanding the region.

Shahd Hubaishy, TA lead for the region shared with the group all the challenges that HR faces in a region with a lot of complexity, agility, and volatility. I loved that she provided clear examples where the caring values of Colgate where representing her decision making and always providing the best for the employees. Shahd is also from Saudi and she was very open to provide her perspective about the region, her experience growing up and working in Colgate grows every day. That changes all the time and that’s evolves due to the fast paced market.

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